When migrating mailboxes to Exchange 2013, you can run into an error the regarding maximum number of bad items. This causes the import to fail: Error code: -2146233088 This mailbox exceeded the maximum number of corrupted items that were specified for this move request. The message exceeds the maximum allowed size for submission to the target mailbox. A bad item can be one whose size is a bit large. The New-MailboxImportRequest commandlet can be called with the -BadItemLimit option, specifying a number of items> when using that option you must also specify the -AcceptLargeDataLoss option. For example, to import a mailbox called john.doe using a pst of john.doe.pst, the command would…
Disable OWA Theme Selection In Exchange
Outlook Web Access (OWA) allows administrators to setup themes. I’ve noticed a lot of people configuring custom OWA themes these days. And when they do, they are always annoyed when users change the theme back to the default. So, let’s disable theme selection using the set-owavirtualdirectory cmdlet. Here, we’ll do so on a server called krypted, on the default web site, for the default owa virtual directory using the -identity option. The option we’ll use is -themeselection enabled and we’ll set it to $false: set-owavirtualdirectory -identity "krypted\owa (default web site)" -themeselectionenabled $false To set it back, just swap $false for $true: set-owavirtualdirectory -identity "krypted\owa (default web site)" -themeselectionenabled $true
Redirecting Exchange Login Pages
By default, when you require an SSL certificate in IIS on an Exchange server, if users hit the page without providing an https:// in front they will get an error. Rather than require certificates, it’s better in most cases to redirect unsecured traffic to a secured login page. In order to do so, first configure the redirect. To do so, open IIS Manager and click on the Default Web Site. At the bottom of the pane for the Default Web Site, click Features View if not already selected. Then open HTTP Redirect. Here, check the box for “Redirect requests to this destination” and provide the path to the owa virtual directory (e.g.…
Managing Role Assignments For Exchange In PowerShell
When running mailbox exports, move requests, etc in Exchange 201x you might get an error. This is because the Management Role Assignments have changed ever so slightly. In order to provide an account the ability to do certain tasks, you can use the New-ManagementRoleAssignment powershell cmdlet to process a request. To do so, pick a user (in this case the username is kryptedadmin) using the -User option and choose roles to assign (in this case, mailbox, export and import) using the -Role option. The command then looks as follows: New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "Mailbox Import Export" -User kryptedadmin To see if your roles were properly applied: Get-ManagementRoleAssignment -Role "Mailbox Import Export" |…
Create Mail Contacts On Exchange 2013 Using PowerShell
Exchange 2013 allows administrators to script Mail Contact creation and email enable those contacts. Let’s say you want to create a contact named Charles Edge and configure an External Email Address of cedge@318.com and set the Organization Unit to Enginnering. Well, that would look something a little like this: New-MailContact -Name "Charles Edge" -ExternalEmailAddress "cedge@318.com" -OrganizationalUnit "Engineering" And if you’ve never spent much time in Minnesota, the acronym for Database Availability Group is DAG. Just pronounce the A with an AE sound about 20 times and you’ll understand how awesome it can be. 🙂
Managing DNS In Windows Server 2012
Previously, I covered installing the DNS role in Windows Server 2012. Once installed, managing the role is very similar to how management was done in Windows Server 2003 through 2008 R2. With the exception of how you access the tools. DNS is one of the most important services in Windows Servers, as with most other platforms. So it’s important to configure DNS. To get into the DNS Manager in 2012 Server, first open Server Manager (you might get sick of using this tool in Server 2012, similar to how my Mac Server brethren have gotten tired of it in Lion and Mountain Lion Servers. Then from Server Manager click on…