Did you know that you can ask Apple Configurator to give you a lot more logs than it does by default? Holy crap. Makes life so much simpler when you’re having problems, to actually get real logs. And then there’s that… To get more logs, close Apple Configurator and then write All into the LogLevel key in com.apple.configurator: defaults write com.apple.configurator LogLevel ALL Re-open Apple Configurator and you’re golden. Then, have some problems and be so happy to get some logs, viewable in Console.
Some Basic Xen Commands
The most important command for managing pretty much anything in Linux is vi. So if you only learn one command, learn that one. But if you want to learn another, the second most important command for managing Xen is then xm (well, once you’ve apt-gotten or yummied up the installation that is). The xm command has a number of easy verbs, each used for managing the Xen environment. xm info – Shows information about the Xen host xm list – Shows information about doms (states include r for running, b for blocked, c for crashed, p for paused and the worse, d for dying). xm network-list – Shows virtual interfaces…
Grab The Currently Logged In User On OS X
You can ls /dev/console to see the currently logged in user of a machine. To do so: /bin/ls -l /dev/console You can also just grab the username, as follows /bin/ls -l /dev/console | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }'
BRU Primer -> Advanced
In BRU 2, you have 3 tools to use. These include: BRU Server Agent Config (UB) – A tool used to install the agent, which needs to be located on each machine that will be backed up (including the server if it has any data to back up) BRU Server Config (UB) – Used to configure the server daemon, backup server configurations and set passwords to communicate with the server. Also used to set licensing information and perform scans for new tape drives and libraries. BRU Server Console (UB) – Used to configure backup jobs, schedules, etc. To get started, open the BRU Server Config application from the components that…
ttywatch: Monitor Over Serial Console