• Mac OS X Server

    Mac OS X Server: serveradmin

    When managing a Mac OS X Servers services one of the most important commands to get comfortable with is the serveradmin command.  This command can be used to control most of the default services used for providing features to client systems and communicates directly with the servermgrd process.   serveradmin list   To see the settings for a given service that you are running use the settings verb as can be seen below: serveradmin settings <service> To alter the settings of a service you use the settings verb and the service but  serveradmin settings <service> To start a service once it has the settings you so desire: serveradmin start <service>…

  • Mac OS X Server

    Mac OS X Server: Changing the IP

    One of the more common mistakes I see people make in the Mac OS X Server world is to just change the IP address.  There are consequences.  So, if you are going to change the IP address of your server, make sure to run the changeip command when you are doing so.

  • Mac OS X,  Unix

    Mac OS X: lsof

    lsof is a command that can be used to list all the open files.  You can use grep to narrow down the listing to only those that match a certain string.

  • Active Directory,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security

    Managing the Keytab with ktutil

    clear_list – Clears the current keylist  read_kt or rkt – Reads a krb5 keytab into the current keylist  read_st or rst – Reads a krb4 srvtab into the current keylist  write_kt or wkt – Writes the current key listing into a krb5 keytab  write_st or wst – Writes the current key listing to a krb4 srvtab  add_entry or addent – Adds an entry to the current key listing  delete_entry, delent – Deletes an entry from the current key listing  list – Lists the current key listing  list_requests or lr – Lists available keys 

  • Mac OS X

    Mac OS X 10.5: Disable Glass Shelf in Dock

    I originally posted this at http://www.318.com/TechJournal For early Leopard adopters that don’t like the new look and feel of the dock, here’s a command to disable that Glass shelf look in your dock: defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean YES killall Dock If you would like to revert the setting: defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean NO killall Dock click on the code and choose run to activate or deactivate this setting

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server

    Mac OS X 10.5: The New Terminal

    I originally posted this at http://www.318.com/TechJournal Apple has been slowly winning over a lot of traditional Unix and Linux converts. This new breed of switcher is after a cool shell environment. In Leopard, Apple has upgraded Terminal.app to provide a whole slew of new features that are sure to continue winning new converts. Let’s just take a look at a few of them: Secure Keyboard Entry – Prevent other applications from detecting keystrokes used in terminal. Enable this using the Terminal menu. Tabbed Interface – I always have 3 shell windows open. That’s how I roll. But with the new tabbed interface (which you can access using the Command-T keystroke) I find…