Tools that leverage the Xcode Command Line Tools might have a problem if you install the tools without agreeing to the license. Here, you can see IntelliJ complaining about just that: To agree to the license agreement, you can use xcrun along with the cc verb: sudo xcrun cc This is an interactive command line environment so in order to script it you’d need to use expect to feed in the correct parameters.
Scripting Azure On A Mac
Microsoft Azure is Microsoft’s cloud services. Azure can host virtual machines and act as a location to store files. However, Azure can do much more as well, providing an Active Directory instance, provide SQL database access, work with hosted Visual Studio, host web sites or provide BizTalk services. All of these can be managed at You can also manage Windows Azure from the command line on Linux, Windows or Mac. To download command line tools, visit Once downloaded, run the package installer. When the package is finished installing, visit /usr/local/bin where you’ll find the azure binary. Once installed, you’ll need to configure your account from the site to…
Deja Vu
From, but seemingly the story of my life.
Xsanity Post on fibreconfig
I posted another article at Xsanity last week, but forgot to mention it here. You can find the article here. Basically it’s a walkthrough of using the fibreconfig command and how it relates to Xsan. Hope you enjoy!
Mac OS X: Deleting a Resource Fork
HFS+ and resource forks. Still a necessary evil. At times I find that I need to remove a resource fork from the command line, leaving the file otherwise in tact. To do so, first create an empty file. In this case I’ll create a file using touch called todelete, so I remember to delete it: touch todelete Now we’re going to copy this empty file over the resource fork for the file using the cp command: cp todelete At this point, we can clean up the original file we created previously using rm: rm todelete
Mac OS X: Activating the Screen Saver
Immediately activate the screen saver in OS X by using this command: /System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ & You can invoke this from a script, through ARD, etc.
Mac OS X for Unix Geeks
Today I received a copy of Mac OS X for Unix Geeks from O’Reilly, for which I was the technical editor on. Great read, especially for the *nix to Mac switcher. Check it out here: Big pat on the back to Brian Jepson, Ernest Rothman and Rich Rosen for releasing a great new version of their book!
Mac OS X: dirt
dirt is a new utility in Leopard that can be used to test Directory Services. You can use dirt to test authentication for LDAP or Active Directory. The -u flag uses the username from the node you are testing against, in the above example it is the Active Directory username. dirt tests whether an account exists in any node and can be used with the following structure: dirt -u username -n This would result in the following output if the account is located in Active Directory: User username was found in: /Active Directory/domainname The -p flag can also be used to test passwords. You can also specify the node in Directory…
Getting Started with tar
If we were in the directory Desktop and wanted to backup all the files to a tarball called backups.tar, we could issue this command: tar cvf backups.tar . The flags here:c creates an archive, v makes the process run verbose and f sets the file name. The . tells tar to back up the current working directory. Use pwd if you’re unsure what that is. As we didn’t tell tar where to put the file it will automagically put it in the working directory. By default tar is recursive although you can specify an n flag to alter that default behavior. Now, to display the contents of the tar file we just created,…
You can use the command line tool opfw to set open firmware passwords. It is available for download over at You can also use opfw to mass deploy open firmware passwords, which is basically what NetRestore does when you use their setting for this.