• Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment,  Network Infrastructure

    Mac Network Commands Cheat Sheet

    After writing up the presentation for MacSysAdmin in Sweden, I decided to go ahead and throw these into a quick cheat sheet for anyone who’d like to have them all in one place. Good luck out there, and stay salty. Get an ip address for en0: ipconfig getifaddr en0 Same thing, but setting and echoing a variable: ip=`ipconfig getifaddr en0` ; echo $ip View the subnet mask of en0: ipconfig getoption en0 subnet_mask View the dns server for en0: ipconfig getoption en0 domain_name_server Get information about how en0 got its dhcp on: ipconfig getpacket en1 View some network info: ifconfig en0 Set en0 to have an ip address of…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment

    A Well Caffeinated Command Line

    One of the big things in OS X Mountain Lion is how the system handles sleeping and sleeping events. For example, Power Nap means that now, Push Notifications still work when the lid is shut provided that the system is connected to a power source. This ties into Notification Center, how the system displays those Push Notifications to users. Sure, there’s tons of fun stuff for Accessibility, Calendar, contacts, Preview, Messages, Gatekeeper, etc. But a substantial underpinning that changed is how sleep is managed. And the handling of sleep extends to the command line. This manifests itself in a very easy to use command line utility called caffeinate. Ironically, caffeinate…

  • Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment,  Xsan

    Using The serverinfo Command To Get, Well, Server Info In Mountain Lion Server

    OS X Mountain Lion Server comes with the /usr/sbin/serverinfo command. The serverinfo command can be pretty useful when you’re looking to programmatically obtain information about the very basic state of an OS X Server. The first option indicates whether the Server app has been downloaded from the app store, which is the –software option: serverinfo --software When used, this option reports the following if the Server.app can be found: This system has server software installed. Or if the software cannot be found, the following is indicated: This system does NOT have server software installed. The –productname option can be used to determine the name of the software app: serverinfo --productname If…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment

    profiles -x: The Most Important New Feature In Mountain Lion!!!

    There are a lot of cool new features in Mountain Lion. But the most important finds its way to us through how you can use the profiles command. If you can believe it (moment of suspense), the profiles command now supports a -x option that allows administrators to see what version of the profiles command is being run. OMGOMGOMGPWNIESOMGOMGOMG!!! profiles -x Since the profiles command appeared in Lion, the rev in Mountain Lion would arguably 2.0. Actually, if you check your output it’s 2.00!!! There ya’ go. Value, baby. That’s what Mountain Lion is all aboot! Other than that, the commands are about the same as when I wrote about…

  • Mac OS X

    Opening a Terminal Window From, Well, Terminal

    Terminal is a great application. And we usually use Terminal for editing scripts and invoking things. But what about invoking Terminal from, well, Terminal. For starters, let’s look at opening a Terminal session to the root of the boot volume (aka /): open -a Terminal / The -a option, when used with the open command, allows you to define which application that the item defined in the following position will open in. For example, you could open an XML file in Xcode open -a Xcode /usr/share/postgresql/pg_hba.conf.sample You could then open Terminal by passing other commands into the command. For example, to open a new Terminal window to the current working…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment

    The OS X Application Layer Firewall Part 3: Lion

    In a couple of previous articles I looked at automating the Application Layer Firewall in OS X. These are pretty common articles that get back-linked to the site, so I decided to update them earlier, rather than later, in the Lion release. The tools to automate firewall events from the command line are still stored in /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall. And you will still use socketfilterfw there for much of the heavy lifting. However, now there are much more helpful and functional options in socketfilterfw that will allow you to more easily script the firewall. Some tricks I’ve picked up with alf scripting: Configure the firewall fully before turning it on (especially if…

  • Unix,  Windows Server,  Xsan

    Setting up CHAP on LeftHand w/ CLI

    LeftHand Storage uses the cliq command line for configuring their devices. cliq isn’t necessarily interactive and so we end up needing to specify the username, password and IP of the device with each command (although you can setup a key as well if you’re going to be doing automated tasks). One task that I’ve found to be pretty common is to use cliq to enable Chap authentication for volumes. To do so you’ll use the assignVolumeChap verb. Along with the assignVolumeChap verb you will need a number of options, each with an = for the payload of the option and delimited with a space between them. When using the assignVolumeChap…

  • Unix,  VMware

    Clariion/Navisphere CLI

    A Clariion can be managed using the /opt/Navisphere/bin/navicli command. You can obtain information about the environment using the -h option followed by the IP address of the IP of the Clariion and then a number of get verbs. For example, to get all of the settings for the Clariion at navicli -h getall Or to get LUN information navicli -h getlun You can also use getagent, getarrayuid, getcache, getconfig, getcontrol, getcrus, getdisk, getlog, getloop, getrg, getsniffer, getsp, getsptime and while it doesn’t start with get, lunmapinfo will obtain information about the LUN mappings. For example, to see a LUN mapped to a UID using the same host…

  • Mac OS X

    Reading Address Book from the Command Line

    There isn’t an easy-to-use command line interface to the Address Book. You can use AppleScript with it, but not necessarily the command line. This isn’t to say there isn’t an AddressBook framework waiting for someone to use it. Well, Scott Stevenson posted a tool on his blog, Theocacao. This tool is pretty rudimentary but can be useful for a few basic tasks, and provides a nice framework for the development of a larger tool. Basically, abtool has one positional parameter – a search string. Using that it will look for a pattern in the name. It doesn’t search any of the other fields, use wildcards, nor allow for changing of…

  • Mac OS X,  Mass Deployment

    Command Line System Information

    When you click on About This Mac and then click on More Info… you see the Apple System Profiler.  This tool, dating back to the Classic OS (prehistory so-to-speak) can be used to access a wide variety of information about your system, including installed hardware, software and some settings.  Some of this information can also be obtained through other tools.  For example, the networksetup command can obtain a wide variety of information about various network settings.  But it helps to have one tool to query for any information you may need about a computer (well, much of the information you may need).   While it is fairly straight forward to…