SQL constraints the data that can be in a table. A violation of a constraint causes an action to be aborted. Constraints can be defined upon creation or using the ALTER TABLE statement once created. The general syntax of a CREATE (or use ALTER instead of CREATE) when defining constraints is as follows: CREATE TABLE tablename ( columnname datatype(size) constraintname, columnname datatype(size) constraintname, columnname datatype(size) constraintname, columnname datatype(size) constraint name, columnname datatype(size) constraint name, ); Obviously, replace columnname with the name of each of your column, datatype with the types of data your column contains and constraint name with the constraint you wish to use. You have the following constraints…
New PlistCheck Application
PlistCheck is a very small, very fast application that checks preferences (aka – property lists) to make sure that they are properly formatted. There are a few other tools out there that do this and it’s easier to just use the command line, but if you are not command line savvy (or working with someone who isn’t) then you can use this tool to check property lists (preferences) rather than using the command line to do so. Click here to Download PlistCheck PlistCheck will be made available on the Apps page as well.