The planning for ACES Conference 2016 seems to be in full gear. I’ve been slated to speak not on JAMF or Bushel stuff, but on my time in the Apple Consultants Network (ACN) community. One of the biggest challenges we had as we grew, was to responsibly pick vendors that matched with our customer requirements while also allowing us to scale efficiently. If you’re an ACN, this is a great conference for you. Check it out at!
More Command Line Service Control In OS X
The serverctl command can be used to start and stop services in OS X Server. Use serverctl with a list verb to show a list of services: serverctl list Grab a service (without the quotes) and feed it back into serverctl with the enable option and a service= option to identify the service: serverctl enable Or disable, using the disable verb: serverctl disable
Certification Exams
When getting ready for your certifications, it helps to know how prepared you are. Basically, there are two fairly basic ways to evaluate readiness. The first (and one of the most practical) is to do lots of exam simulation questions when possible to get comfortable with the testing format. Now, don’t go too far with this and cheat. Remember that for nearly every exam offered by nearly every vendor out there, buying a brain dump is considered cheating. Many of the organizations offering exams will plant incorrect answers into material to attempt to find people who study to the brain dumps. If you get caught doing so you will likely…