• Mac OS X,  Mass Deployment

    Announcement (Cross Post) – JSS Add-on for Autopkg

    (Guest Post by Allister Banks) As Venn diagram circles go, many folks in our community are getting into autopkg, and there’s even more that already use the JAMF Casper Suite. Over on the 318.com blog there’s an announcement for a new ‘processor’ add-on that can be installed with autopkg, that therefore can leverage the JSS API to fulfill many of the functions which up until present only Munki enjoyed. Please do read the release notes and give it a try!

  • Mac OS X,  Mass Deployment

    Restart Tomcat Using jssutil

    I recently needed to restart tomcat on a JSS (my fault not theirs). Because I had other processes running on the same box, I used the jssutil command to restart the tomcat service, using jssutil along with the rt verb: jssutil rt Turned out I had screwed things up a little more than all that so tomcat didn’t come back on its own, to get the service to kick back on, use the same command along with the startTomcat verb: jssutil startTomcat

  • iPhone,  Mass Deployment

    Using Apple Configurator To Automate Casper MDM Enrollment

    Enrolling iPads into the JAMF Casper MDM solution is done through Apple Configurator, messages or using links deployed to iOS devices as web clips. When doing larger deployments the enrollment process can be automated so that devices are automatically enrolled into Casper MDM when they are set up using an Enrollment Profile that is manually downloaded from Casper and deployed to device. Additionally, a certificate can be needed if the certificate is not included in the profile, an option available as a checkbox in the setup. While you hopefully won’t need to download the certificate, we’ll start there: Obtain the Certificate for the JSS Server To obtain the trust certificate…