• Mac OS X,  Mass Deployment

    Mac: Building Screen Savers Quickly

    It’s not that we’re going to do anything difficult here.  But we’re going to take a prebuilt Apple screen saver, throw our own images in there and then test it.  First off, go to /System/Library/Screen Savers and let’s grab a copy of, let’s say Nature Patters.slideSaver.  I’m going to call my new screen saver MJ.slideSaver and put it into the same directory (/System/Library/Screen Savers).  Now let’s go into the new MJ.slideSaver and then into the Contents directory.  From here, we’re going to give our new screen saver a new name by altering the Info.plist file.  Find the CFBundleName key and change the string listed for it to the string you’d like…