Create A SQL Database

    So you’re ready to write some software? Or test some cool stuff. Or build something awesome. You can use the CREATE DATABASE statement to get started, by creating a database. To do so is pretty easy, simply run that statement followed by a name for the database (called Customers): CREATE DATABASE Customers; Once you’ve created a database, it’s time to create tables, which can be done using the CREATE TABLE statement. The Syntax of that statement looks something like this, defining a set of columns, their data type and the size of the column (in the form of a maximum length), all wrapped in parenthesis with each column separated by…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment

    Disable the Go To Folder Menu Item

    For many environments, securing OS X is basically trying to make the computer act more like an iOS device. Some of the easier tasks involve disabling access to certain apps, sandboxing and controlling access to certain features. One of the steps en route to building an iOS-esque environment in OS X is to disable that Go to Folder… option. To do so, set the ProhibitGoToFolder key as true in com.apple.finder: defaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitGoToFolder -bool true Then reboot, or kill the Finder: killall Finder To undo, set the ProhibitGoToFolder as false: defaults write com.apple.finder ProhibitGoToFolder -bool false

  • Mac OS X,  Mass Deployment

    Enable the Debug Menu in the Mac App Store

    The Mac App Store has a debug menu. To enable the debug menu, enable the ShowDebugMenu key in com.apple.appstore. To do so: defaults write com.apple.appstore ShowDebugMenu -boolean YES Once enabled, there are a number of options to show the folder where apps download, enable logging, clear cookies and reset the Mac App Store. To turn the Mac App Store debug menu back off: defaults write com.apple.appstore ShowDebugMenu -boolean NO

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Mass Deployment

    Controlling Saved Application States

    When Lion was new, I put up a post about clearing out information on saved applications states. Saved application states are a new feature in Lion that remembers the screens that were open and where each was when you quit applications. The reason for that post was that those states were causing a few minor issues with applications. There are a few applications that the saving of application states is really awesome for. I think it will mostly be different for each persons workflow. Personally I like saving the state of Terminal, Safari and a few others. However, the state of some others can be a bit annoying for me.…