This type of thing is usually done interactively, but when I’m piping output that doesn’t work. So here’s a quick one-liner in bash for pulling the TeamID and BundleID from kexts out of the KextPolicy sqlite database: sqlite3 /var/db/SystemPolicyConfiguration/KextPolicy "SELECT * from kext_policy;" ".exit"
Pull iTunes App Categories via Bash
I love bash one-liners. Here’s one it took me a bit to get just right that will pull the Category of an app based on the URL of the app. curl -s '' | grep -Eo '"applicationCategory":.*?[^\\]",' If you don’t already have the URL for an app, it can be obtained via a lookup using curl If you’ll be performing these kinds of operations en masse from within server-side scripting, Apple has a number of programs, including the Affiliate Program, which allow you to do so more gracefully. But as a quick and dirty part of a script, this could solve a need. More importantly, hey, parse some json…
Super-Simple Bash Graphs
The sparkr gem is installed by default in macOS. To use it to produce simple graphs, simply run it followed by a series of integers: sparkr 12 110 250 110 12 The result would be as follows: This is useful for a quick and dirty visualization in scripts. For example, a series of 5, 10, 200 numbers that don’t have that much range where you’re just looking for a simple pattern. Like number of lines in logs, etc. Obviously, you can pay a lot of money for graphing frameworks and very fancy-schmancy tools. This is really just for me in small scripts. Note: sparkr isn’t installed on all Mac systems.…
Use colrm to remove columns from a text file in bash
The colrm command is a simple little command that removes columns from standard input before displaying them on the screen (or piping the text into another file). To use, simply cat a file and then pipe it to colrm followed by the start and then stop in $1 and $2. For example, the following would only list the first column of a text file called testfile: cat testfile | colrm 2 Not providing a second column in the above command caused only the first column to be displayed to the screen. You could pipe all but the second and third columns of a file to another file called testfile2 using…
Quickly read the length of a string in bash
Quick little script to read the length of a string: #!/bin/bash echo "Enter some text"read mytextlength=${#mytext}echo $length
Bash: if, then, else, and expressions
One of the most important skills in any language is to know how a basic if then statement works. You set a variable, you say if that variable matches a given pattern (or doesn’t) then do something or else do something different. If/then/else. Other than that, it’s just syntax, and the annoyance of figuring out the operators and syntax. So let’s go through the below script (which checks a Mac to see if grayscale is enabled in Universal Access), line-by-line: Line 1: we’re first going to create a variable called grayscale. We’ll fill it with a 0 or 1, the output of a simple “defaults read grayscale” command If that grayscale…
Is This Bash Command A Builtin?
Builtin commands are always kinda’ interesting. At first glance, it’s hard to know which commands are builtins. Luckily, there’s a command that I rarely use, called… command. If you run command with the -V flag it will tell you if the command is a builtin: command -V cd cd is a shell builtin If you run a command that isn’t a builtin command -V ls ls is /bin/ls Some builtins are in /bin (like echo). But not all builtins are in /bin. Some are in /usr/bin (like cd). Information about how to use builtins is built into the help command rather than standalone man pages. So, if you do help…
Basic Bash Inputs
Recently someone asked me about accepting bash inputs. So I decided to take a stab at writing a little about it up. For the initial one we’ll look at accepting text input. Here, we’ll just sandwich a read statement between two echo commands. In the first echo we’ll ask for a name of a variable. Then we’ll read it in with the read command. And in the second echo we’ll write it out. Using the variable involves using the string of the variable (myvariable in this case) with a dollar sign in front of it, as in $myvariable below: echo "Please choose a number: " read myvariable echo "You picked…
View The Content Of Files Without Comments In Bash
So I comment a lot of lines out in my /etc/hosts file. This usually means that I end up with a lot of cruft at the top of my file. And while I write comments into files and scripts here and there, I don’t always want to see them. So I can grep them out by piping the output of the file to grep as follows: cat /etc/hosts | grep -v "^#" You could also do the same, eliminating all lines that start with a “v” instead: cat !$ | grep -v "^v"
Decrease Time Delays When Scripting Safari
When you’re regression testing, you frequently just don’t want any delays for scripts unless you intentionally sleep your scripts. By default Safari has an internal delay that I’d totally forgotten about. So if your GUI scripts (yes, I know, yuck) are taking too long to run, check this out and see if it helps: defaults write WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay 0 With a script I was recently working on, this made the thing take about an hour less. Might help for your stuffs, might not. If not, to undo: defaults delete WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay Enjoy.