Yesterday I showed a way to get the serial number from a Mac OS X machine. However, as a couple of people pointed out, Apple will soon be adding another character to the serial number. This means that rather than use cut I should have used awk to allow for either serial number length. To grab the serial this way: ioreg -l | grep IOPlatformSerialNumber | awk ‘{print $4}’ Or without the quotes: ioreg -l | grep IOPlatformSerialNumber | awk ‘{print $4}’ | sed ‘s/”//g’
Using the cut Command
A number of commands available for finding positions that you want in a line and extracting only a certain amount of text can be pretty cumbersome in terms of learning curve. This isn’t to say that once you get the hang of them that they’re terribly complicated but it can take a little while to get the hang of them. And when you need something fast, you might want an easy command for extracting text from lines. In these cases, consider cut. The cut command doesn’t do regular expressions (I guess you could argue that its ability to use a delimiter can be used as a regular expression) and so…
Removing Norton AntiVirus with a Script
For some reason the uninstaller from Symantec doesn’t work in removing Norton (NAV 10). My guess, without delving into their uninstaller too deeply is that they ran into what I ran into, which is that the* processes are prefixed by a bracketed alphanumeric sequence. To get around this I listed them and used grep to grab each one, then awk to grab the label and did a launchctl stop against the label name once I had it. The rest of this script is pretty straight forward forcing the rm of each of the contents of the items from the snapshot plus the items from the pkg BoM. Here’s the…
Using Dates in Shell Scripts
At a terminal prompt, it is really straight forward to grab the date, simply use the date command, with no arguments and you will get something similar to the following, including the day, date, time (with seconds), time zone and year: Tue Apr 15 00:40:07 CDT 2009 In a script this can choose fairly challenging, especially in cases where you just need the date stamp without the time and time zone, etc. Here we’re going to grab the current system date from ESX, OS X or Linux (or whatever OSen really) and then use a variable, currentdate, to put that date, formatted into a pretty standard format, YYYYMMDD: currentdate=`date ”+%c%m%d”…