Safari can subscribe to RSS feeds; so can Mail. Podcast Producer is an RSS or XML feed as are the feeds created by blog and wiki services in Mac OS X Server. And then of course, RSS and ATOM come pre-installed with practically every blogging and wiki tool on the market. Those doing mass deployment and scripting work can make use of automatically connecting users to and caching information found in these RSS feeds. If you have 40,000 students, or even 250 employees, it is easier to send a script to those computers than to open the Mail or Safari client on each and subscribe to an RSS feed. Additionally,…
Determining WordPress RSS URLs
RSS feeds are pretty darn useful for a lot of things. And WordPress makes them really, really easy. If you want to insert an rss feed somewhere then according to the type of feed you need, you can just use a pretty repeatable pattern to do so. Basically, following the site you would use /wp-rss.php for rss, /wp-rss2.php for rss2 or /wp-atom.php for Atom feeds. For example, to get a feed of this site in rss you could use the following: Or rss2: Or rdf: Or Atom:
Final Cut Server: Atom and FCS
Atom, an alternative to RSS, is used extensively in Final Cut Server. Atom allows one to, for example show a list of assets and parse the information in a manner that makes sense to a browser to read. Atom also makes internationalization easier for developers. For more information on Atom see it’s wikipedia entry at In the px PostgreSQL database for Final Cut Server, you’ll notice the pxatommap, which is used by Final Cut Server to parse the nearly 2,000 fields of data used by Final Cut Server into information easily readable by clients using Atom, similar to how the widget that I recently posted on this site uses RSS…