• Mac OS X,  Mac Security

    Hey, So What’s This Mac App Got Access To?

    Just some one-liners you may find useful… I’ve written about codesign a few times in the past. To see a detailed description of how an app was signed: codesign -dvvvv /Applications/Firefox.app This also gives you the bundleID for further inspection of an app. But there are a number of tools you can use to check out signing and go further into entitlements and sandboxing. You can check the  asctl sandbox check --bundle com.microsoft.outlook The response would be similar to  /Applications/Microsoft Outlook.app: signed with App Sandbox entitlements In the above, we see that Outlook has entitlements to do some stuffs. But where do you see an indication of what it can…

  • SQL

    Allow Remote Connections To MySQL

    By default, MySQL allows other services on the computer you’re running the daemon to connect to the database and denies any connections from hosts outside that computer. However, it’s pretty easy to provide access to the database from another host (for example, if you’re splitting up the back-end and front-end of a site, clustering, etc. To get started, you’ll edit your my.cnf file and find the [mysqld] section of the file. Then, locate the bind-address, which you will need to set as the IP of your server and comment out the line for skip-networking. Let’s say we’re going to open access for The section would look similar to the…