Apple,  public speaking,  Swift

MacAD.UK Presentation (with notes) on Extensions

I’ve been working on this presentation for a long time, so it was awesome to get the first chunk of it out there. Then I saw Graham Pugh publish his with presenter notes included and was like “oh Graham’s really, really smart, so I’ll copy him!” so here’s mine:

Just to put a little color on this (or colour if you’re in Brighton), some of my work on extensions has been in support of building – a new password manager that shards secrets like keys, passwords, and passkeys to make them quantum safe. There’s a sign-up to get access to our private beta on the site. That started with an autofill extension, but also has other extensions involved. So while working on these I just kept this notes doc up on the side and threw my notes in sometimes. That evolved into a presentation as I needed better ways to sort my notes. Then 100 slides became 200 and when it got up to 250, I knew it needed to get cut up. So The Past, Present, and Future of Extensions Management is really three presentations. Now that the past is out of the way, we can get into the weeds on telemetry and more detailed management in the next session, Part II, at Penn State MacAdmins.

Hope to see y’all there – and please feel free to email me or hit me up on Slack if you have any questions (or wanna’ correct something I said)!