
File Lists And Version History With The Dropbox API

TLDR: See for some python scripts for the Dropbox API

I recently needed to get a list of changes to all files on Dropbox. To get there, I first found the list_folder endpoint, so here’s a script to dump a list of files

However, then I realized I needed to look up the version history for files, so here’s a script to dump version history:

Then to tie the two together, this script lists version changes for each dumped file recursively:

Then I realized that the user was listed with a GUID rather than the actual user. I just need a paper trail and have few users, so can get by for my own needs with the list of users and corresponding GUIDs on paper (or in a flat file). But the users endpoint could be used to replace the GUID with an email address or display name by parsing that out of the json response from the /users endpoint if needed. However, my needs are met, so for anyone else looking to do this kind of operation, there ya’ go.