mysql Command Options

    The following are options you can use when calling the mysql command: –auto-rehash Enable or disable automatic rehashing –auto-vertical-output Automatically display output of commands vertically rather than horizontally –batch Do not write to the history file –binary I use this when I have large results timing out due to blobs being in there –bind-address Specify a network interface when connecting to the server –character-sets-dir Indicate a custom directory where character sets are installed –column-names Output column names when running queries –column-type-info Show metadata –comments Enable or disable commenting when sending statements to the server –compress Compresses data sent to/from client and server –connect_timeout Seconds of inactivity before a timeout –database Defines the database you are connecting to –debug Writes a debugging log…

  • SQL

    Install MySQL on Linux

    Installing MySQL on Linux is pretty easy. You can use yum (or your favorite package manager for most installs. Here, we’ll pull a list of packages from yum using repolist: yum repolist enabled | grep "mysql.*-community.*" You’ll then get a list of community edition MySQL packages that are available. Then let’s say you’re installing on RHEL 6, we’ll pull a string from the repolist of an appropriate package and then do a localinstall of it: sudo yum localinstall mysql57-community-release-el6-157.noarch.rpm We could also grab mysql and all the other stuffs we want to have with it: yum install mysql mysql-server mysql-libs mysql-server And then start it up: service mysql start

  • SQL

    Using Functions in SQL

    SQL has a number of built-in functions that can be used to find common query results, such as averaging data, summing up a column of data, rounding information off, formatting data, etc. SQL also has a number of options for building your own custom functions (and triggering them to run). I usually like to use functions when I’m looking for data and reporting. I don’t like using them in code, as the language I’m performing a task in is typically better suited to manage data than is SQL, comparably. SQL functions come in three types. Aggregate, Scalar, and Custom. Aggregate functions (those that take multiple objects as an input): AVG()…

  • iPhone,  JAMF,  Mass Deployment

    AppConfig.org, A Standardization Community For MDMs

    When building an MDM, you look for a lot of workflows to make the lives of end users easier. One of those is Managed App Config, which is a technology from Apple that allows an MDM to inject information into an app when the app is sent to a device. Because all apps are different, it’s up to the application developer to build in support both for the feature itself, as well as for any variables they’d like to make possible for an MDM to send to an app. For example, an app might make server and username available, so that when a user opens the app, they need only…

  • Active Directory

    Export AD Objects Into LDIF On Windows Server

    The LDIFDE utility exports and imports objects from and to Active Directory using the ldif format, which is kinda’ like csv when it gets really drunk and can’t stay on one line. Luckily, ldif can’t drive. Actually, each attribute/field is on a line (which allows for arrays) and an empty line starts the next record. Which can make for a pretty messy looking file the first time you look at one. The csvde command can be used to export data into the csv format instead. In it’s simplest form the ldifde command can be used to export AD objects just using a -f option to specify the location (the working…

  • Articles and Books,  Small Business

    10 IT Considerations For Your Small Business

    I wrote an article for CBSPulse called “10 IT Resolutions To Consider For Your Small Business”: Every company at some point needs to harness its technology. These days, a good Internet connection and some smart choices will have any company humming along with tools that help the business. But it’s also important to reevaluate your strategy from time to time to ensure that you are making the most from your processes and investments. As 2016 continues to speed along, now is great time to step back to identify what’s working and what can be done better. The following are ten resolutions for small businesses to consider as you look for…

  • SQL

    Allow Remote Connections To MySQL

    By default, MySQL allows other services on the computer you’re running the daemon to connect to the database and denies any connections from hosts outside that computer. However, it’s pretty easy to provide access to the database from another host (for example, if you’re splitting up the back-end and front-end of a site, clustering, etc. To get started, you’ll edit your my.cnf file and find the [mysqld] section of the file. Then, locate the bind-address, which you will need to set as the IP of your server and comment out the line for skip-networking. Let’s say we’re going to open access for The section would look similar to the…

  • public speaking

    Get To Know Your Aces Conference Speakers

    The excellent organizers from ACES did videos on getting to know their speakers. You should check them out, as it’s pretty fun to see all the people talk about what they’ll be talking about, and Austin, and all the things! 🙂 From the blog, just browse to the other recent articles, or from the YouTube channel: https://acesconf.com/get-to-know-our-speakers-charles-edge/