Mac OS X,  Mac Security

Tor and Scripting on macOS

Tor, short for The Onion Router, is a tool to anonymize your web traffic. 

Tor is simple to use and yet incredibly complicated under the hood. You install software, available at, or a browser extension. Tor routes your data through a bunch of nodes. Each of those computers or routers is only aware of the node in front of or behind it in the communication route and encrypting the next node sent. Since each step is encrypted, these layers of encryption can be considered like a network with layers like an onion. So if each step is partially encrypted, a compromise of any device in the route will still defeat network surveillance, and because all traffic at the entry point to Tor is encrypted it’s safe to browse anonymously when using, let’s say, a conference wi-fi.

The Tor browser is one way to use Tor. Here, you can simply download the browser, install it on your computer by dragging it to /Applications, and then all traffic for that browser routes through Tor. Open to verify.

This is great for protecting web traffic. But for IRC and other traffic you usually need a little more. My favorite way to do this is to have a simple script that configures a SOCKS proxy for Tor. To do so, we’ll first install Tor, using homebrew:

brew install tor

Once installed, simply run tor at a command line and you’ll start routing traffic sent at your computer if configured appropriately:


Next, we’ll need to configure the SOCKS proxy. Here, we’ll do so for a network interface called Wi-Fi:

sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy Wi-Fi 9050 off

Once setup we’ll use similar syntax but adding state at the end to enable the proxy:

sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate Wi-Fi on

Now your traffic should be routing through tor. To check that let’s curl that page from earlier:

curl --socks5 localhost:9050 --socks5-hostname localhost:9050 -s

You can then quickly disable that proxy and return traffic to routing normally using the same proxy command as earlier, but setting the state to off:

sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate Wi-Fi off

Given that it’s an anonymous system, tor has been used to launch attacks. This has led a number of security products to block Tor. An example of this might be Cisco Umbrella. You don’t want to disable these types of tools too much as you’re bypassing their protections, but sometimes you just need to accomplish a quick task. So to disable that, you might run the following and reboot:

sudo mv "/Library/Application Support/OpenDNS Roaming Client/com.opendns.osx.DNSCryptProxy.plist" ~/Desktop/

Or just use launchctl to stop it. You can then move the plist back or start the event again, as needed. As Network Extensions become more of a thing this won’t work at some point in the future, but we’ll dive in later to defeat that as well, if ya’ want!