Click on your Apple, then click on Servers. Here, you’ll see a list of the recent servers you’ve logged into.
Now open a Connect to Server dialog (Command-K) and then click the disclosure triangle for the recent servers.
There are two different values here. How’s that possible? Well, the first list mirrors the ~/Library/ contents. To view the contents use defaults to read the domain:
defaults read
Which shows the following information, mirroring the list shown in the first screenshot (Servers under the Recent Items list of the Apple menu):
PreviouslySelectedShares = {
"" = (
"" = (
"" = (
"Disk Images"
"" = (
"" = (
san = (
The second list mirrors the Hosts array in the file in ~/Library/Preferences. This file also contains the protocols for each item in the list, as well as a MaxAmount, which can configure the maximum number of objects displayed in the list. To read, again use defaults to read, but this time view the contents of
defaults read
Which displays the following:
Hosts = {
Controller = CustomListItems;
CustomListItems = (
Name = 318server;
URL = "afp://";
Name = mdm;
URL = "afp://";
Name = pretendco09934;
URL = "afp://";
Name = "Mavericks Server";
URL = "afp://";
Name = SAN;
URL = "afp://";
Name = san;
URL = "smb://san";
MaxAmount = 10;
You can also view the rest of this file and see the recent applications, recent files, etc.