Yesterday, I wrote up how to compile your own version of an open source Xcode app and used NoMAD as an example, for those who didn’t want to use the precompiled application bundle. Many software packages have permissions to do do various tasks. NoMAD interacts with the keychain, so will have to use a TeamID, or to expand the term, the Team Identifier Prefix. This means the new version won’t be able to access keychain items created by previous versions of NoMAD, which use the creators prefix (I didn’t reference Joel as “the Creator” – but “a creator” to be clear). Ergo, this article is really just for helping those who want to test versions as they’re being built, or do net-new deployments. A local script could theoretically be used to augment/migrate keychain items but that seems like a total pain, especially when considering that future versions of NoMAD will have to retire deprecated APIs and so will need to choose to cease function for a given version of macOS and it’s easy in most deployment tools to scope old NoMAD to a specific version of the OS and a newer version, perhaps with your own TeamID, to newer versions of the OS… But deployment options are beyond the scope of this article…
To find the TeamID, from Xcode click on the main project and then Signing & Capabilities – viola, there it is.
Now let’s search for the string of the old TeamID (in this case “VRPY9KHGX6”) in the Project Navigator pane (using the magnifying glass above the file list on the left of the screen).
Each of these need to be changed (notice in the search results there are a few different entries). Once done, if using MDM to approve the entitlement, the “Team Identifier” referenced in the readme would be different as well, so this app bundle would deploy with a different policy.