A number of systems require you to use complex characters in passwords and passcodes. Here is a list of characters that can be used, along with the name and the associated unicode:
- (Space) U+0020
- ! (Exclamation) U+0021
- ” (Double quotes) U+0022
- # (Number sign) U+0023
- $ (Dollar sign) U+0024
- % (Percent) U+0025
- & (Ampersand) U+0026
- ‘ (Single quotes) U+0027
- ( (Left parenthesis) U+0028
- ) (Right parenthesis) U+0029
- * (Asterisk) U+002A
- + (Plus) U+002B
- , (Comma) U+002C
- – (Minus sign) U+002D
- . (Period) U+002E
- / (Slash) U+002F
- : (Colon) U+003A
- ; (Semicolon) U+003B
- < (Less than sign) U+003C (not allowed in all systems)
- = (Equal sign) U+003D
- > (Greater than sign) U+003E (not allowed in all systems)
- ? (Question) U+003F
- @ (At sign) U+0040
- [ (Left bracket) U+005B
- \ (Backslash) U+005C
- ] (Right bracket) U+005D
- ^ (Caret) U+005E
- _ (Underscore) U+005F
- ` (Backtick) U+0060
- { (Left curly bracket/brace) U+007B
- | (Vertical bar) U+007C
- } (Right curly bracket/brace) U+007D
- ~ (Tilde) U+007E