Casper 9.9 has shipped! After the most thorough of testing and field enablement, JAMF has shipped Casper 9.9, with tons of new awesomeness for iOS 9.3. You now have the ability to do Lost Mode, which allows you to see where a lost device is, and allows your users the peace of mind that their privacy is protected by informing them that administrators looked at the location of a device (and you can assign a custom Lost Mode message, for example providing a reward for the return of a lost device). You can also manage a number of Notification Center features. You now have the ability to use the Classroom App in conjunction with education device deployments. You now have the ability to unlock new, great payloads, such as placing badges where you want them on a home screen. You can also now use the B2B App Store with Casper. And for the first time, you also have the ability to show and hide apps!
And cool new features aren’t limited to iOS. Casper can also now manage Active Directory bindings with DEP devices using the Active Directory/LDAP payloads, streamlining those workflows in a more supportable fashion. And manage user account types. This brings us closer and closer to true zero-touch deployments. And lots of issues are resolved that make your installation (e.g. detecting Java versions) and management (e.g. some cool new screens) more and more stable and user friendly with each release!
So log into JAMF Nation, and check out Casper 9.9 in your testing environment, and unlock all the new coolness. 🙂