Some apps have defaults domains that don’t work the same as other apps and you need to use the -app option in defaults. This option is available for most apps, and sometimes I’ll use it to specifically crawl around for a specific setting I’m looking for. But for other apps, you need to interact with them there. So let’s look at Eclipse. Here, we can do a read with -app followed by the path:
defaults read -app /Applications/eclipse/
The output would be as follows:
NSNavLastRootDirectory = “~/smb/smb”;
NSNavPanelExpandedSizeForOpenMode = “{712, 426}”;
NSScrollAnimationEnabled = 0;
WebKitJavaEnabled = 0;
Now, let’s say you had a specific setting, like fixing an anti-aliasing issue:
defaults write -app /Applications/eclipse/ AppleAntiAliasingThreshold 19