Mac OS X

Trackpad + Cold Fingers = Reboot

I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but it gets kinda’ cold up here in Minnesota.  Sometimes, when it’s below zero and I go outside I will rush back in to grab an instant message or something of the sort and I invariably touch the trackpad.  Now, if I have been outside long enough for my fingers to get about as cold as it is out there (at least on the surface) then the trackpad will stop working.  In fact, not only will it shut down the trackpad, but it will also disable the keyboard.  Now, I can reboot and things work just fine, or I can plug in a USB keyboard until the next time I’m in the mood for a full on restart.  

I’ve  tried to unload/reload the kext files, to no avail.  Apparently, from what I can tell, the MacBook just gets all kinds of pissed that I touched it with cold fingers (much as I would get if I was touched with equally cold fingers on my skin) and ignores me until I reboot.  I’m sure there’s a good reason for the temperature issues from a coding perspective (like cold can cause a memory exception given the hyper intensity of the touch or whatever), but in case you’ve run into the same thing – now you know you’re not the only one…  For my next stupid human trick I will be…