Mac OS X,  Mass Deployment

Manage the Look of Launchpad

You can control the number of columns and rows in LaunchPad. To do so, edit the defaults domain with the key springboard-rows for the number of rows to display and springboard-columns to control the number of columns displayed. So to set the number of rows LaunchPad will show per screen, send the write verb into defaults for along with the springboard-rows and an -int of 4:

defaults write springboard-rows -int 4

Likewise, to set columns to 8:

defaults write springboard-columns -int 8

Then just killall for Dock:

killall Dock

In some cases you will also need to send a resetlaunchpad boolean into (for TRUE) along with a killall for Dock (or reboot):

defaults write resetlaunchpad -bool TRUE; killall Dock