Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server

Link Aggregation and Tiger

I originally posted this at

Mac OS X 10.4 includes support for link aggregate networking. Link aggregate networking shares network traffic over two or more bonded Ethernet controllers, giving them one IP address for communication. This can allow the servers controllers to run at speeds of 2Gbps. Link aggregation is configured using the Network System Preference Pane.

To enable Link Aggregate Networking
1. Open the Network Pane from System Preferences
2. Click the Show: box and select Network Port Configurations
3. Click New
4. In the Name: box enter a name for the new aggregate port
5. In the Port: box select Link Aggregate
6. Places check marks in the boxes for each port you would like to aggregate
7. Click OK
8. Configure the Port as you would any other network port

Link Aggregate Ports must be used in conjunction with an Ethernet Switch.
Link Aggregate Port status can be viewed for each en adapter using the status tab in Network Preferences for the controller.
Assigning multiple LAN IP addresses to a Link Aggregate port can be tricky. I’d stay away from this if possible.
Do not assign two LAN IP addresses to a Link Aggregate port if they are not in the same IP scheme/subnet.