I like to use my laptop on the beach. Not that I get out much these days, but one of the things I often do is to flip my machine into inverted, or high contrast, mode. Recently I’ve been looking for ways to not switch the whole machine over. This can be as simple as throwing the background for Word to blue, which makes me feel all kinda’ AmiPro-like, or most recently, I’m using High Contrast Mode with iTunes.
High Contrast Mode switches the background for the sidebar and the library to black. This isn’t for everyone, but I like it at times (just make sure to kill the Ping sidebar or it can be a bit weird to look at). To enable High Contrast Mode, use the defaults command to send a high-contrast-mode-enable boolean key to com.apple.iTunes.plist with a TRUE setting:
defaults write com.apple.iTunes high-contrast-mode-enable -bool TRUE
To disable High Contrast Mode, we’ll just kill the key:
defaults delete com.apple.iTunes high-contrast-mode-enable