Apple,  Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  SQL

Install and Setup mongodb on a Mac

I don’t write as much about what I do at my day job as I used to. I probably should, because it’s all still relavant to my older readers. One example of that is that I have published a lot of articles on MySQL and sqlite. However, more and more of my development efforts use native json. I’ve slowly fallen in love with mongodb for this reason – I can have a local database that is fast, that stores data in native json. That makes my transactions cheaper when it’s time to read and write for databases. If I have to regex to put information in sql and then take it back out, it’s just… more work. And a more expensive transaction at runtime.

Mongo doesn’t come pre-installed on a Mac, though. Luckily, installation is a one-liner with homebrew, though:

brew install mongodb-atlas

Alternatively, install it manually. The package can be downloaded at and then extract the tgz and tarball into an actual directory. Next, move the directory to where you want it to live. I’ll use /usr/local/mongodb in the following example:

sudo mkdir /usr/local/mongodb

Next, create a data directory. I picked up /data/db in their docs long ago and still just use that, as follows:

sudo mkdir -p /data/db

Then set the appropriate permissions for the data directory:

sudo chown -R id -un /data/db

Now let’s fire up the daemon (assuming you put Mongo into the /usr/local directory):


Now run the local shell – old school shell being (note that there’s a newer shell as well, which is far more lovely to work with):


Use show dbs as the command to show the databases running:

show dbs

Then use db to show the current one. Alternatively, use the shell to show collections:

show collections

Or switch databases with the use verb. Like if you had one named daneel it would be as follows:

use daneel

Or run a javascript from there (although you can do this with an -f flag when invoking the shell in the first place:


To exit the shell, simply use a quit command with no parameters (and notice the load and quit commands look more like javascript – because they are):


Assuming you are still running the mongod daemon in its own window, just control-c to kill it. I usually run mine interactively on my testing machine, but if it’s to be persistent on a Mac you’d wanna’ create a LaunchDaemon to daemonize it…