One of those annoying little things is when you ARD into a system and the Dock is nowhere to be seen. Why do we (or should I say they) autohide Docks on servers? Either way, when I ARD into a box and I don’t see a Dock I have this line saved as a Template:
defaults write autohide -bool false; killall Dock
By writing an autohide key that is false into for the currently logged in user, I don’t have to deal with the Dock disappearing any more. You need to kill the Dock and let it respawn, thus the killall as well.
Once I’m done working with the box, I can show the dock again:
defaults write autohide -bool true; killall Dock
Or, instead of all this, as diskutant once pointed out, just use Command-Option-d when you ARD in and then again when you log out!