iPhone,  Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server

Apple ID Bulk Importer

Some iOS and/or OS X deployments require us to create a boatload of Apple IDs. This could be to redeem VPP codes, to do iOS backups, to configure Messages, now giving the ability for OS X Server users to password reset for themselves, etc. I have sat and manually created Apple IDs for a number of clients. I’ve created dozens at a single sitting and there are some serious annoyances and challenges with doing so manually. For example, you’re gonna’ fat finger something. If you type 10 things in for 50 accounts then it’s hard to imagine you’re not gonna’ mess something up in one of those 500 fields. It’s also time consuming and well, just annoying.

Then, along came a script. That script allowed us to create loads of IDs on the fly. Now, we have a very nice GUI tool called the Apple ID Automation Builder that can be used to batch create a number of Apple IDs on the fly. Brought to us by Greg Moore and hosted by enterpriseios.com, this is one of those rare finds that is a serious time saver and very valuable when you need it in your bat belt. Great little tool, well worth the money and I look forward to providing Greg with plenty of accolades should we ever meet!