Mac OS X

A Better Way To Paste Addresses from Mail

One of my little irritations about OS X just got easier. When I’m using Mail and I copy and email address and paste it somewhere, it has the name of the contact bracing the email address wrapped with a <>. This is a royal pain. I am pretty sure that every single flippin’ time I’ve removed the cruft around the email address. While digging around in I noticed a key for AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard that was set to True. Holy crap. Change to False and this minor irritation is gone. Viola, OS X is now even better:

defaults write AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard -bool FALSE

To set it back:

defaults write AddressesIncludeNameOnPasteboard -bool TRUE

I’m sure others have uncovered this before me (mostly because I googled it after I found it). So nothing really new here, but pretty sure that one will save me at least 3 minutes per year. Yay for me.