Mac OS X

Last of the Screen Sharing Hacks

Once upon a time (all the way back in Mac OS X 10.5) you could add a bunch of useful icons into the toolbar of Screen using:

defaults write ‘NSToolbar Configuration ControlToolbar’ -dict-add ‘TB Item Identifiers”(Scale,Control,Share,Curtain,Capture,FullScreen,GetClipboard,Quaty)’

But alas, you can’t any more (NSToolbar still exists but I haven’t found a way to get the array to result in actual icons in the toolbar). I’ve done a few articles for other preferences so I thought I’d dig my heels in and see if there were any I missed (using gdb). Well, apparently, there’s still ShowBonjourBrowser_Debug, which was also in 10.5 but it doesn’t seem to do anything. But I did find that instead, debug (another boolean YES item) will bring up the Bonjour Browser for Screen Sharing. I had trouble clicking on some of the items so I’m guessing the reason this isn’t enabled by default is that it doesn’t work so great. So while one option was lost, another was not (kinda’). The other options are either in my other recent Screen Sharing articles or have been exposed to the Screen Sharing Preferences (encryptRFBDataStream and panControl). So to enable that Bonjour Browsin’ debug mode of Screen Sharing:

defaults write debug -boolean YES

And then to turn it right back off if you so choose:

defaults write debug -boolean NO