Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Programming

25 Time Saving Bash Tips

Use the following keys to do fun things when typing a command in bash (mostly keybindings):

  1. Use the up arrow to run the previous command
  2. Continue using the arrow to scroll to commands further in the history
  3. Use Control-r to search through your command history
  4. Control-w deletes the last word
  5. Control-u deletes the line you were typing
  6. Control-a moves the cursor to the beginning of the line
  7. Control-e moves the cursor to the end of the line
  8. Control-l clears the screen
  9. Control-b moves the cursor backward by a character
  10. Control-u moves the cursor forward by a character
  11. Control-_ is an undo
  12. “man readline” shows the bash keybindings (ymmv per OS)
  13. Tab completes an argument
  14. !! repeats the last command. Useful when using sudo in front of the last line from bash
  15. !$ repeats the last argument for a command
  16. $_ shows the last word from the previous command
  17. “cd -” is like a back button
  18. !!:p outputs the last command with arguments
  19. cd !!:* cd into the argument from the previous command
  20. Escape-. expands the argument from the last command
  21. pbcopy and pbpaste accesses the clipboard from Terminal
  22. Use ; to separate commands in a single line
  23. Use | to pipe output to another command
  24. Use > to send output to a new file, or >> to append output to the end of a file or < to bring input from a file
  25. “Open .” opens the current working directory in a Finder window
