When you are using Podcast Producer, whether you are looking in your log files on a server in Server Admin or whether you are looking in Console on a client, if there are any problems submitting jobs you should find a numeric reference code. The meaning can be cryptic, although I’ll try a little bit here:
-500 = Camera agent went offline
-501 = Podcast Producer agent timed out
-502 = Agent failed to communicate
-600 = Tunnel protocol mismatch
-601 = Tunnel could not connect
-602 = Tunnel timed out
-603 = Tunnel failed
1 = Internal camera agent is failing
3 = Capture failed to run
4 = Capture already running
5 = Capture is not paused
6 = The locking mechanism encountered a mutex failure
7 = The unlocking mechanism encountered a mutex failure
8 = Camera agent cannot communicate with the file system
9 = Podcast Capture has no capture device available
10 = SG initialization failure
11 = Audio channel initialization failure
12 = Video channel initialization failure
13 = Video creation failed
14 = QuickTime encountered an Error
15 = QuickTime SG failed to start
16 = QuickTime SG failed to prepare
17 = QuickTime SG failed to set the data processor
18 = QuickTime compression session failed
19 = QuickTime Decompression session failed
20 = QuickTime SGIdle failed to initialize
21 = QuickTime data failed to process
22 = QuickTime sound failed to compress
23 = Writing the movie frame failed
24 = Could not start the process (a bit cryptic)
25 = Could not stop the process (a bit cryptic)
26 = Could not finalize the movie
27 = Action not supported
28 = Action could not resume processing
29 = OpenGL error
30 = Insufficient disk space for the action (or could not reach file system)
31 = Invalid/incorrect command
32 = Screen grab functionality disabled