The 10.5.6 update for Mac OS X Server has been out for a little bit now (about a week and a half) and I was thinking it would be worthwhile to cover what the update is really useful for. So here goes:
- Spotlight: Disable and re-enable spotlight on sharepoints to get the update, but basically it will make for faster searches for remote users. Only works once it’s been disabled and re-enabled PER SHAREPOINT.
- Improves AFP performance.
- Resolves issues where NFS mounts may not export when a server is first booted.
- Password Server replication improved
- New NetInstall/NetRestore filters for newer hardware.
- NetInstall clears local KDC information.
- Introduces MD5 support for Podcast Producer as well as improved reliability for the connections of cameras to Podcast Producer.
- Fixes an issue with being able to eject a Promise RAID
- Fixes reliability issues with RAID Utility.
- Fixes an issue where Server Admin stops responding when propagating permissions.