Mac OS X Server,  Mass Deployment

iCal Server en Masse

Deploying iCal Server across a large number of systems at first seems somewhat time consuming. But there are a few options to make things easier than manually touching each system, or trying to script the setup process.

When you first open iCal, it will allow you to do an Automatic setup using your email account and password. The server that it will setup this information for is based on a service record (SRV) for CalDAV being found in DNS. For automatic deployment of an iCal Server you can build a service record in DNS that will point to the server. The record should have the following settings (you can leave the Service Name empty):
Service Type: _caldav.tcp (non-ssl)
Host: the name of your server (ie –
Port: 8008

The port setting can change if you’ve manually set a new port for your server. To verify the port number use this command:
sudo serveradmin settings calendar:HTTPPort