So my buddy Nick Stokes had a project recently where he was migrating metadata out of a FileMaker database and into Final Cut Server. Here’s what he had to say about the steps:
Step 1. The FileMaker DB has all the metadata for all the assets.
Step 2. Create a mirror of the metadata in Final Cut Server, leaving the data empty.
Step 3. Upload all of the assets into Final Cut Server.
Step 4. Outputted a Write XML of every asset out of Final Cut Server.
Step 5. Build a php script to parse those WriteXML files and merge them with a CSV dump from the Filemaker DB based on the filename and FCSvr asset ID.
Step 6. Use another php php script to take the matched records out of the merged CSV into individual ReadXML files directly into a Device being Watched by FCSvr that applied the ReadXML response.
Apparently, he tested almost 600 assets on an 8-Core Mac Pro and it imported via ReadXML, normalized and updated files in less than 10 seconds. Great going Nick!