Alexa,  Home Automation

Play Audible Books On Your Amazon Echo

The Amazon Echo is a great device for accessing content using a Prime membership. But the Echo is also useful for media that isn’t sourced from Prime. One of these is Audible, which makes sense, given that Audible is owned by Amazon. I found that my Audible account was around before it was linked to an Amazon account with Prime. In order to link the account, I needed to open the Alexa website and link my Audible account. To do so, open Then click on Music & Books in the sidebar.

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Then click on Audible and either you will see your Audible books, or you will be able to provide an Audible username and password. Once authenticated, you’ll see a list of books from your Audible account.

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Now, it’s as easy as telling Alexa to start playing the book. In this example, e’ll say “Alexa, play Startup CEO from Audible.” Viola, the book begins. Enjoy.