
The Economy and IT

Companies simply cannot live without IT.  If a company is going to cut existing staff then they aren’t going to cut the staff that’s actually keeping their systems up and running, nor are they going to cut employees that are creating value.  But if these be uncertain times then consider beefing up your skills and certifications in a manner that aligns with your job (or a job you want if you’re not happy where you are).  Essentially, if you are internal IT this will help to make you outsource-proof and if you’re a consultant it will help you to broaden your scope.  More than half of the CIO’s are cutting budgets, as opposed to just a few months ago when about half were looking at bigger budgets.   But that just means that we in IT simply need to become indispensable.  Almost as a direct result of the economy, CompTIA is reporting an uptick in certification numbers.  So maybe it’s not such a bad time to be a trainer?  😉