• sites,  WordPress


    Fixed the similar articles feature not working, then fixed the fact that this broke the front page. Also added some minor wiki integration (more on that tomorrow) and fixed the 1st level vs. 2nd level navigation in the DHTML menu bar. More on the navigation stuff later as this will lead to some content I’ve been working on going live tomorrow morning (I think).

  • sites,  WordPress

    iPhone and Address Bar Icons

    When you visit certain websites you may notice a new icon appear in the address bar of the site. I never really wanted one. But by default, when you add a site to the homepage of your iPhone (click on the plus sign in Safari and then click on Add to Home Screen), it will use that icon. Why do I care? I mean it’s not like anyone is likely to actually add this site to their home screen. But juuuuuust in case, I wanted it to have my spiffy new icon. You know, the one I spent at least 15 minutes building. Otherwise, when you add a page to…

  • sites,  WordPress

    https://krypted.com/ Moving Today

    https://krypted.com/ is moving to a new host today and throughout the weekend. My apologies for any downtime that may be encountered, and duplicate whatnot that gets kicked out and any annoyance it all may cause. I hope you like the new look in our new locale…

  • sites,  WordPress

    MagpieRSS, a PHP Based RSS Parser

    RSS is an incredibly powerful way to manage content. Using RSS you can provide a feed to users and your website simultaneously.  You can then have items your site, such as WordPress dynamically generate pages for browsers using items published in the feed and have users able to view the feed without seeing the rich media objects that you might also put on the site. A basic RSS feed might include something like the following: <item> <title>My Article</title> <link>http://https://krypted.com//article1</link> <description>Some article on my site.</description> </item> Each of the above items is a field that has been defined in the rss file that is used to view your feed, similar to…

  • sites,  Social Networking,  WordPress

    Feeds, Rights Management, Blogging & You

    A blog is a stream of conscious.  To some degree, so is an rss feed.  If you are browsing it in rss then your reader will more than likely allow you to limit which articles you wish to see based on their tags or other information gleaned from the rss feed.  For example, you can use feed://https://krypted.com//feed to access this page without graphics, which looks at the rss feed rather than the richer media content, including the css and other elements that cause graphics and the such to appear on the site. You can then limit your results to any field that is specified in the index.rss file.  In this case,…

  • sites,  WordPress

    Bug in WordPress 2.8

    In WordPress there are tags, such as the ones you see at the bottom of this article.  You enter tags when you’re writing an article in the Post Tags section of the Add New Post page.  Prior to WordPress 2.8 you could enter a bunch of tags and just hit the Publish button, the tags would be committed automatically.  Now though, you enter the tags and hit the Publish button and they are not committed.  You have to use the Add button to commit the tags, then hit the Publish button.  This has always been a feature, but both used to work.  For me, breaking a third party plug-in is…

  • sites,  WordPress

    Similar Posts

    A couple of updates to the site today.  First, if you view an article it will show a list of similar articles to the one you’re viewing.  Second, I moved the tag cloud to the top of the side bar and changed the tag cloud to show categories.  Hope you enjoy/approve/whatever.

  • sites,  WordPress

    Twit netiquette

    For a little while now my site has been automatically updating other sites when new articles are published.  The update was pretty much just a generic URL.  Then someone asked me to put a little more “meat in my tweet.”  Great point.  It’s a bit rude to pollute the various social networks of the world with useless information.  Ergo, I’ve gone ahead and included the title of my posts in my actual feeds.  Additionally, I’ve thrown a nice new background on the site to make it a bit less stark.  Hope you enjoy. Oh, and just for the record, I love the term “meat in my tweet!”  I think it’s hilarious…  😉

  • sites,  WordPress

    On the Road: WordPress and Vacation

    While this article is updating I’m on a beach somewhere in Mexico. One of the things I love about WordPress is that I can indicate a date to publish an article or just publish it “immediately.” If I indicate the date the article goes live then I don’t necessarily have to hop to the computer to post it. I can just indicate when it will appear and then viola – it’s up, without any intervention from me. So if you’re wondering whether I really am on vacation or not, know this – I am not shoveling snow this week… 😉