Powershelling Away At Bitlocker
The Enable-BitLocker cmdlet is available in Powershell to encrypt drives. The command is fairly straight forward once we figure out how to do a few things. In the following we’ll use -mountPoint to define that it’s the default C: drive that we’re encrypting, followed by -EncryptionMethod as an Aes128 or an Aes256 and then who can unlock, in this case, the CharlesEdge short name on the Krypted domain, then we’ll prompt (that can be removed) and define a -pin of 2345 to unlock the recovery key and finally drop the key off at a -RecoveryKeyPath. Seems like a lot but it’s not and there are ways to do a password…
The Twisting Story Of OS/2
The History Of Windows 3.x
The History Of Microsoft Windows 1.0
Visual Studio Project To cURL A REST Endpoint in C++
Published a new Visual Studio project for running rest operations against an endpoint using C++ or Visual C++. That’s available at https://github.com/krypted/C-cURLer. Note: When you compile the project, you will need to add the dependencies so check what’s being imported before doing so.
Get A List Of Software Installed On Windows And Uninstall Software Using Powershell
The Get-AppxPackage cmdlet can be used to obtain a list of all apps installed on a Windows host. In the following example, we’ll look at the apps installed for all users using the -AllUsers option. Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers The output includes a Name, the name of the publisher, along with a location, the architecture, the version, the full name, the status, whether the software is signed, whether the development mode is enabled (useful when testing), the id of the publisher, the family, etc. Next we’ll do a Select against the found set. You can use so stdout displays the Name and the unique identifier, which we can then use to programmatically…
Quick And Dirty Windows Firewall Scripting
Here ya’ go! netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=”KryptedWebhook” dir=in protocol=tcp localport=8443 profile=private remoteip=any action=allow Wait, what’s that?!?! Let’s break down the options I used here: advfirewall: Yup, it’s the new firewall. firewall: Yup, it’s a firewall. add: I’m adding a new rule. I also could have used delete along with the rule name and removed one. Or show to see one. Or set to augment one. rule: It’s all about rules. Each rule allows for a port and/or an action. name: Every rule needs a unique name. Namespace conflicts will result in errors. If programmatically creating rules, I’ve found it undesirable to use a counter and instead moved to…
Disable Notification Center & Action Center in Windows 10
A number of environments need to disable the Notification Center and Action Center features in Windows 10. This can be done using the registry editor or using a Group Policy Object (GPO). First let’s look at doing so with the registry. As with any mucking around with the registry, when editing, I strongly recommend backing up the registry and/or creating a restore point first. Once done, click Run, enter regedit and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor. Next, right-click on the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer registry key and create a new DWORD (32-bit) key. Call the key DisableNotificationCenter and provide the number 1 as the value. Then quit the Registry Editor and…