• Windows Server,  Windows XP

    Windows: Kill a PID

    You can use the pslist command to view a detailed listing of all ProcessIDs in Windows.  You can then use pskill to kill a PID, or pssuspend to suspend it or psservice to list PIDs that are services.  No killall tho, like in Mac OS X…

  • Windows Server

    Windows Server: Set Permissions Using PowerShell

      Set-acl Set Access Control List permissions from on a file (or object). Syntax Set-Acl [-path] string[] [-aclObject] ObjectSecurity [-filter string] [-Include String] [-Exclude String] [-passThru] [-whatIf] [-confirm] [CommonParameters] Key -Path path Path to the item to be changed {accepts wildcards} -aclObject ObjectSecurity An ACL with the desired property values. -filter string A filter in the provider's format or language. The exact syntax of the filter (wildcard support etc) depends on the provider. Filters are more efficient than -include/-exclude, because the provider applies the filter when retrieving the objects, rather than having PowerShell filter the objects after they are retrieved. -include string Include only the specified items from the Path.…

  • Windows Server,  Windows XP

    MS DST

    Who programs without taking into account leap years, daylight savings time and really, really complicated things like four digit years? http://support.microsoft.com/gp/dst_hu2?systemlist=w1 Just think, now we have 8,000 years to figure out how to program a 5 digit year…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mac Security,  Ubuntu,  Unix,  Windows Server,  Windows XP


    Great encryption software, although there is no full disk encryption for the Mac from TrueCrypt I hope to see it eventually.  By the way, I didn’t mention this yet: it’s free. http://www.truecrypt.org/ UPDATE: While TrueCrypt does not do full disk encryption (FDE) for the boot volume still, it does do FDE for other volumes fairly easily and of course free.  If you need FDE for boot volumes on Mac OS X check out PGP and CheckPoint FDE.  PGP Desktop is easy to install and use and has a great command line interface.  CheckPoint though seems to be a bit more mature and has an easier methodology for mass deployment.

  • Windows Server

    Windows Server: SBS vs. EBS

    Microsoft won’t just have SBS any more.  Now there will be SBS and EBS.  Lots of versions of Windows…  For servers and workstations… Windows Small Business Server 2008: Ideal for customers with less than 50 employees Helps protect your vital business information from loss, by automatically backing up the computers and servers in your network and helping enable you to recover accidentally deleted files Is designed for small businesses, to work with existing technology, build on Microsoft best practices, and delivers a comprehensive network at an affordable price Gives you highly secure access to business contacts, calendars, e-mail, files, and other important desktop resources from any Internet-connected computer, virtually anywhere…

  • Windows Server,  Windows XP

    Windows XP: Hiding a User

    [Start] [Run] [Regedit] You can hide a user in Windows XP using the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersion WinlogonSpecialAccountsUserList Here, first create a data type of REG_DWORD with the name of the user as the value.  Then, set the value for this to 0 to hide the account.  Next, exit the registry and reboot the system to test whether your setting change worked.