Search Within Folders By Default On Mac
Annoyance on Mac is that searches are across all readable directories no matter where I start a search. But if I have a finder window, I want my searches recursive from that point down in the hierarchy. This fixes that. defaults write com.apple.finder FXDefaultSearchScope -string "SCcf"
5 Accounting Concepts For Startups
To be a successful startup founder, we don’t need to be an accounting expert; we can outsource that. But we do need a solid grasp of basic accounting concepts. As a small business owner, we need more than an intuitive feel for the performance of the business. Understanding a few basic Accounting 101 concepts goes a long way towards keeping the goals for a company in alignment with performance. Here are 5 accounting concepts to get started. The Balance Sheet A great place to start, when evaluating the performance of an organization is how to decipher a balance sheet. At a minimum, we should understand assets and liabilities, and how…
Quick Machine Learning Wins For Startups
Machine learning is one of those things that practically every investor seems to ask about these days. The reason is that there is so much information and code available for free that at this point, if we come up with some good strategies, they aren’t years to implement. And we can actually finally improve the productivity (and joy) of knowledge workers in the ways J.C.R. Licklider first laid out in his 1960 paper “Man-Computer Symbiosis.” Read more at https://www.bootstrappers.mn/post/quick-machine-learning-wins-for-startups
Bootstrappers: Methodologies To Calculate the Value of a Company
A friend of mine was once asked how much his house was worth at dinner. He said “I guess whatever someone will pay for it.” I was pretty young at the time and don’t think I fully appreciated the wisdom of the comment. These days, I get a report from Zillow once a week that shows me how much they think my house is worth. And they’re pretty close to what I see houses in the neighborhood good for. But ultimately, the house is worth what someone would be willing to pay to buy it. If sold, I would walk away with the sale price of the asset (the house)…
LinkedIn Python/Selenium Automations
The below attached repository (https://github.com/krypted/LinkedInCompanies) provides two ways to pull company information via LinkedIn. First using the LinkedIn API and the second using the selenium web driver. You will therefore need Selenium installed. Use the arg.py script as follows: $ python arg.py -username [xxxx@xxx.com] -password [xxxxxxxx] -company [company Name] This will pull a members count for the [Company Name] provided. And the URL to show them. Put the companies name in the text file [CompaniesNames.txt] and modify the username and password inside the code to run the parse company members python file. This provides members counts and links to show them. We can parse 1000 companies for each run.
MacAdmins Podcast: WWDC Flashcast
MacAdmins Podcast Episode 172: You have 60 seconds to comply!
The History of Computing: The Great Firewall of China
Bootstrappers Blog: Methodologies To Calculate the Value of a Company
A friend of mine was once asked how much his house was worth at dinner. He said “I guess whatever someone will pay for it.” I was pretty young at the time and don’t think I fully appreciated the wisdom of the comment. These days, I get a report from Zillow once a week that shows me how much they think my house is worth. And they’re pretty close to what I see houses in the neighborhood good for. But ultimately, the house is worth what someone would be willing to pay to buy it. If sold, I would walk away with the sale price of the asset (the house)…