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    Install APNs Certificates For Bushel

    When setting up a Bushel account, we require you to setup a certificate between an Apple ID and your Bushel account. This is a little file exchange that protects your data with Apple. No other Bushel user (and certainly not we who run Bushel) can access your secure connection with Apple. When you’re first setting up a Bushel account, you’ll get prompted to configure a certificate. That’s done by downloading a file from us and giving it to Apple (to prove our authenticity to Apple) and then downloading another file from Apple (to prove their authenticity to us). Read More About Apple Push Certificates For Bushel Here…

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    How Does Your Page Rank?

    There are a number of services that rank web sites. I find that I check alexa.com here and there. So as you employ various techniques to make your site better, you can check back and see the long term impacts of how these efforts impact your ranking. You can also see demographics of visitors.   And you can see geographic data as well. There are other better sites, with far more detailed information such as Google Analytics. But a very top-level, upper level view of how your site is performing is something like Alexa.com. Nice and simple.

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    Check Active Directory Status On Windows

    When scripting, sanity check logging takes way more time that actions. Before binding to an Active Directory domain, you should verify that your system isn’t currently a member of an Active Directory domain. After binding, you should also check that settings are as expected. Use the get-addomain commandlet to do so: Get-ADDomain To be more specific about a given domain: PS C:\> Get-ADDomain -Identity krypted.com

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    Command Line iOS Device Management

    The other day, we installed libimobiledevice and used it to view the logs of an iOS device. But you can do much more with the commands that were installed. In fact, if you have a paired device, you can actually use these commands to do some remedial regression testing and other pretty cool things. So this is going to be part two of that article, basically. First up, make sure the device is paired (note: not all commands require a device to be unlocked). But, all interaction with a device requires the device to be paired. You can use the command line (e.g. if you’re running this on Linux) to view the…

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    Update rake For OS X

    Rake is basically make for Ruby. I recently needed to update rake for something I was working on. After doing so, I tried to update some stuff in Profile Manager and it seemed to work on the outside, but a lot of stuff in Yosemite and Yosemite Server rely on rake so be careful when doing this kind of thing. So, to update to the latest version of rake, use the gem command along with the install verb and then rake as the gem being updated: sudo gem update rake This is an interactive command line environment so you’ll be asked a few questions in order to update the gem.…

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    FitBit Badge List

    In case you might be new to the platform, I published a page at https://krypted.com//utilities/fitbit-badge-list/ of all the FitBit badges I’ve seen so far.  Note, I also updated my Nike badge list at https://krypted.com//utilities/nike-and-nikefuel-badge-list/.

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    The 250 Nerdiest Movies Of All Time

    Note: I’m going to turn this into a page and keep working on it. This is the draft; since it’s been sitting in the WordPress drafts for over a year, I thought I should do something with it… What makes a movie nerdy? Comic books, hacking, robotics, fantasy and straight-up-nerdiness. There are a lot of movies that really hit on some of these topics. Some do it well and others do a terrible job. Everyone is going to have their favorites, but I wanted to share mine well in advance of Memorial Day if only to help you prep to stay indoors and get just a little more pasty than…

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    Setup NetInstall On OS X Yosemite Running the Server app

    The NetBoot service allows administrators of OS X computers to leverage images hosted on a server to boot computers to a central location and put a new image on them, upgrade them and perform automations based on upgrades and images. Since the very first versions of OS X, the service has been called NetBoot. In the Server app, Apple provides a number of options surrounding the NetInstall service, based on Automator-style actions, now calling the service NetInstall. The first step to configuring the NetInstall service is to decide what you want the service to do. There are three options available in System Image Utility (available under the Tools menu of…