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    You’ve Been Promoted! 10 Tips for New Managers

    My latest Inc article is up. It’s some tips for people just moving into management. Hope you find it helpful in some way shape or form: You’re a manager now. Congratulations! Now what? First-time managers often face a challenge in developing the unique skills needed to lead people. It’s a journey that can seem daunting at first and is filled with traps. To read more, check out http://www.inc.com/charles-edge/youre-the-boss-now-here-are-10-things-you-should-do.html

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    Reserved Words In Python

    You can’t use the following as variable names or identifiers in Python: False None True class if def return for from is lambda while finally continue nonlocal and as assert del elif global try import not or pass with yield break except in raise

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    Use The Profiles Command In Sierra

    You might be happy to note that other than the ability to interpret new payloads, the profiles command mostly stays the same in Sierra. You can still export profiles from Apple Configurator or Profile Manager (or some of the 3rd party MDM tools). You can then install profiles by just opening them and installing. Once profiles are installed on a Mac, mdmclient, a binary located in /usr/libexec will process changes such as wiping a system that has been FileVaulted (note you need to FileVault if you want to wipe an OS X Lion client computer). /System/Library/LaunchDaemons and /System/Library/LaunchAgents has a mdmclient daemon and agent respectively that start it up automatically.…

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    Learn More About Slack

    Slack was pretty quick and easy for me at first. But there are so many things that you only pick up when you see other people do them. So, there are a couple of fun titles to figure those things out quicker, from one of my publishers, Take Control. These are easy reads, quick, and a fantastic resource for anyone looking Take Control of Slack Basics– Glenn Fleishman  Take Control of Slack Admin – Glenn Fleishman

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    Apple Security Presentation from

    Ivan Krstić did an amazing presentation at the 2016 Black Hat in Vegas, which I’ve thrown here: us-16-Krstic. Great content around iOS Security, under the hood. Encryption, webkit hardening, secure enclave processing, key bags, master keys, data at rest security, updates, data protection, synchronization security, keychains, iCloud, backup, key vaults, aaaaannnnnnnddddddd Bounties for uncovering vulnerabilities! Great stuff!

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    My Tips and Tricks For Smart Home Nerdvana Article Now Available On Huffington Post

    My latest piece on the Huffington Post is about nerding up your Smart Home. Here, I look at some of the weird little things they don’t put in the manuals, and try to help people not fall into some of the traps that have resulted in about 10 IoT style devices I can’t use with my latest hub, wasting money, and sometimes just not having the correct expectations going into some of my equipment installs. I still love this whole little industry. But I can reserve a little hope that others will get some joy out of commiserating, learn something, or maybe even get into something they may have thought…