After talking with the folks at Xsanity I have decided to try and open up comments to the site. You can still auth and post comments if you have an OpenID account, but you can now do so through the standard WordPress method provided you fill in the Captcha info. We’ll see how this works. Last time I tried comments there was simply too much spam. I’m willing to give it a second shot though, especially with the fancy-schmancy OCR whatnot enabled… To get Captcha to work I used the WP-reCAPTCHA plug-in available here. In order to activate it you need an API key from recaptcha but once you paste…
MySQL and WordPress Problems
Turns out my WordPress update didn’t go nearly as well as I thought. Pretty much none of the posts that I had made since the update were showing up as they were stuck in the Unpublished Category. So I restored from my pre-upgrade backup and re-did the upgrade process. Worked like a charm this time and is clearly moving items out of Unpublished as it should, so things should be back to normal. I am now tracking down the missing posts and republishing them. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Sports Center, godaddy and College Football
This time of the year I can often be found watching Sports Center late at night. I am a glutton for punishment… Listening to ESPN commentators saying that Matt Stafford will be leaving Georgia early and likely getting picked up as the #3 pick by the Kansas City Chiefs in the Draft. Hoping someone will finally get the Florida coach out of the SEC and into the NFL or anywhere other than the Georgia backyard. Watching highlights. It’s fun. Sometimes, it gets to be really late at night before I get a chance to watch a little Sports Center and chill out before bed. That’s when the commercials come…
- = ~4 Years Old
It has now been 4 years since I started this darn site up. Up to that point, I just sat on this domain and used it for the occasional test sites. In these four years I’ve gone from occasionally posting to regularly posting to posting pretty much daily. I’ve also gone from single to married to daddy. 🙂 I hope that some of you find my New Years resolution from December 2004 useful!
Upgrading WordPress to 2.7
Well, it’s that time of the year that I need to do a little spring cleaning of the ‘ole site. So I figured I’d post how to upgrade WordPress. It’s pretty straight forward. But before getting started back up your install. This includes the files and the database. First off, the files. For that just back up the root of your Apache home directory. If you’re on a shared host this is often the public_html or www folder. If you’re on a Mac Server this might be /Library/WebServer/Documents. If you’ve customized your css and themes, etc you will most certainly want to triple-check that you’ve gotten your wp-content folder. Once…
Temporary Skin for the Holidays!!!
That’s it. Merry Christmas.
Snow, Clouds, OpenID and PDAs
In recognition of the massive quantities of snow in my back yard at the moment I have installed Let It Snow. Props to Aen Tan for making it easy. Also, installed Cumulus, that cute tag cloud app I’ve been seeing all over the place. I hate to keep up with the Joneses (WP-style) but really, it’s nicely done… Have’ta scroll a little down past the graphics in the right nav bar. But it’s there… OpenID has also been integrated to allow for commenting. I realize I’ve never really allowed comments. But if you have an OpenID account I think it’s OK… Also, there are two different themes that auto-redirect based…
New Utility Scripts
Er, mostly… So if you click on the Tools tab of this site you will be taken to a page that allows you to ping, traceroute, find DNS information about a host and run a WHOIS and perform subnet calculations. So, check out the tools here and I hope you like them.
Google Chrome for the Mac – er, kinda'
So since Google has been dragging their feet on getting Chrome ported to the Mac our good friends at Crossover have done a little wine-porting for us. Only problem is, it’s emulated, which means that the hot keys and menu-ing just aren’t, well, native. But, as you can see below it works and doesn’t require me to fire up a VM just to grab a screen shot…
- iPhone Application
Yup, I wrote an iPhone app for my blog. If you want it let me know. Once Apple approves me for an account with the App Store I’ll post it up there.