Services that run on a Synology are constantly being updated. Software updates for the binaries and other artifacts can quickly and easily be updated. To do so, open the Synology web interface and then open Package Center. From Package Center, click Update for each or Update All to upgrade all services at once, as seen below.You will then be prompted to verify that you want to run the update. Any services that are being updated will restart and so end users might find those services unresponsive or have to log back in after the service comes back online.
Configure Access To File Shares On WD MyCloud
The WD MyCloud is a pretty single-purpose device. It’s a disk with a network interface, and as with Direct Attached Storage, the MyCloud Network Attached Storage is pretty easy to connect to. First, let’s look at connecting to the web interface via the menu item, where you can drag and drop files to the device. Once the device is configured, use the WD menu item to see your device. From there, click on the name of your device. Alternatively, you could visit and sign into the web interface there. In both cases, you’ll see a list of files and then in the sidebar, you’ll see those options to configure settings,…
Basic Synology NAS Setup
Over the years, I’ve setup dozens of Synology Network Appliances for customers and friends. But I never thought of doing much writing in the NAS space, be it for ReadyNAS, Thecus, Buffalo, etc. The interfaces seemed to change too fast and my focus was always on the management and connectivity of Apple devices. Slowly, over the years, small business servers have gone from being something you could make a decent living to something that should probably be hosted in the cloud. Unless you have a design requirement that just can’t work in the cloud. And for that, there are a ton of options. Today we’ll cover the basic setup of…
Replace Time Machine Server on macOS Server with WD’s
The past couple of years has forced me to rethink many of my recommendations for how you backup computers in small office and home environments. Previously, I would have said that you could use a disk attached to an Apple AirPort. But the AirPort Base Station is no longer being made. Previously, I would have said you could use Time Machine Server, a service built into macOS Server in 5.4 and below. But that service is no longer being made in macOS Server by Apple and is now found in the Sharing System Preference pane . Previously, I might have even said to use the home edition of CrashPlan, which…
Enable Modern Authentication for Office 365
I covered managing devices based on policy in http:// One of those policies is “modern authentication”, Azure Passthrough Authentication, or OAuth if you will. To enable it, log into Exchange Online via PowerShell and run the set-OrganizationConfig to set -OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled to True: Set-OrganizationConfig -OAuth2ClientProfileEnabled $true If you’re using Skype, do an override: Set-CsOAuthConfiguration -ClientAdalAuthOverride Allowed Now check that OAuth was enabled properly: Get-CsOAuthConfiguration And viola, you’ve caught up to where WordPress was at with OAuth 8 years ago! Next, check the global ADFS authentication rule: Get-AdfsAdditionalAuthenticationRule And you can use Set-AdfsAdditionalAuthenticationRule. Now, you should be able to check the ADFS rules required for a given MFA requirement: Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust –Name "Krypted" And…
One-liner To Grab Which macOS Caching Server You’re Using
There’s a macOS tool called AssetCacheLocatorUtil located at /usr/bin/AssetCacheLocatorUtil. The output is in… stderr. Because stderr is so fun to work with (note that sed -i only works with stdin). So, to update the caching server(s) you are using and only print the IP address of those, you’d do the following: /usr/bin/AssetCacheLocatorUtil 2>&1 | grep guid | awk '{print$4}' | sed 's/^\(.*\):.*$/\1/' | uniq If you use Jamf Pro and would like to use this as an extension attribute, that’s posted here: I didn’t do any of the if/then there, as I’d usually just do that on the JSS.
Backup Filewave Databases
You can quickly and easily back up your Filewave databases using the fwcontrol command to stop a Filewave server (thus preserving the integrity of the data you are backing up) and then backing up the database using the /fwxserver directory. To get started, we’ll first down the server. This is done using the fwcontrol command along with the server option and the stop verb, as follows: sudo fwcontrol server stop Now that there won’t be data trying to commit into the database, let’s make a backup of the database directory using the cp command: cp -rp /fwxserver/DB ~/Desktop/Databasebak To start the database, use the decontrol command with the server option…
See IPv4 and IPv6 Machines On The Network
Prepare for your network administrators to cringe… I’ve spoken on these commands but never really put them together in this way, exactly. So I wanted to find a coworker on a network. So one way to find people is to use a ping sweep. Here I’m going to royally piss off my switch admins and ping sweep the subnet: ping Next, I’m going to run arp to translate: arp -a Finally, if a machine is ipv6, it wouldn’t show up. So I’m going to run: ndp -a Now, I find the hostname, then look at the MAC address, copy that to my clipboard, find for that to get the IP…
Configure DHCP in macOS Server 5.2
DHCP, or Dynamic Host Control Protocol, is the service used to hand out IP addresses and other network settings by network appliances and servers. The DHCP Server built into macOS Server 5.2 on Sierra is similar to the DHCP service that was included in Server 10.2 from the good ‘ole Panther days. It’s pretty simple to use and transparent, just as DHCP services should be. To install the service, open the Server app and then click on the Show button beside Advanced in the server sidebar. Then click on DHCP. At the DHCP screen, you’ll see two tabs: Settings, used for managing the service and Clients, used to see leases in…
Scripting Around Dropping Network Connections In OS X
Dropping network connections can be incredibly frustrating. And finding the source can be a challenge. Over the years, I’ve found a number of troubleshooting methods, but the intermittent drop can be the worse to troubleshoot around. When this happens, I’ve occasionally resorted to scripting around failures, and dumping information into a log file to find the issue. For example, you may find that when a network connection fails, you have a very strong signal somewhere, or that you have a very weak signal on all networks. I’ve found there are three pretty simple commands to test joining/unjoining, and using networks (beyond the standard pings or port scans on hosts). The…