By default, the dock automatically rearranges spaces based on the last one used. I prefer to arrange them myself. To disable that behavior, set the mru-spaces boolean to false in as follows: defaults write mru-spaces -bool false
Git Quick-start
Git it easy. It’s a command with some verbs. Let’s start with the init verb, which creates an empty git repository in the working directory (or supply a path after the verb) git init Now let’s touch a file in that directory. Once a new file is there, which that new repo as your working directory, run git with the status verb: git status Oh look, you now see that you’re “On branch master” – we’ll talk branching later. You see “No commits yet” and hey, what’s that, an Untracked file! Run git with the add verb, and this time you need to specify a file or path (I’ll use…
A framework is a type of bundle that packages dynamic shared libraries with the resources that the library requires, including files (nibs and images), localized strings, header files, and maybe documentation. The .framework is an Apple structure that contains all of the files that make up a framework. Frameworks are stored in the following location (where the * is the name of an app or framework): /Applications/*contents/Frameworks /Library/*/ /Library/Application Support/*/*.app/Contents/ /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/ /Library/Developer/ /Library/Frameworks /Library/Printers/ /System/iOSSupport/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks /System/iOSSupport/System/Library/Frameworks /System/Library/CoreServices /System/Library/Frameworks /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks /usr/local/Frameworks If you just browse through these directories, you’ll see so many things you can use in apps. You can easily add an import followed by the name in your view…
The Cloud Kit Key State Controller
Each key in the Cloud Kit Key State Controller is considered a “View” with a number of metadata values. Views include AutoUnlock, Engram, Health, Home, ApplePay, and Manatee views. The /usr/sbin/ckksctl binary can be used to reset keys, useful when troubleshooting sync issues. To start, let’s run a status: sudo /usr/sbin/ckksctl status To reset, run the command again, with a reset verb: sudo /usr/sbin/ckksctl reset
Episode 107 of the MacAdmins Podcast: Sweet Rootkits, a Year in Review
It’s been a great year for the MacAdmins Podcast. And a special thank you to Tom, Marcus, Emily, James, and the former co-host Pepijn for continuing to allow me to be a part of something special. The last episode of the year is available at, using the below embedded link, or wherever you get your podcasts!
Download Older Versions of macOS and Mac OS X
I’ve posted a few old links in my time (as I near 4,000 posts it would be hard not to have some that are broken). But Apple App Store downloads seem to do better with not breaking links. So here are some to old versions of macOS and OS X, in case like me, you always seem to need some old thing for testing: 10.14, Mojave 10.13, High Sierra: 10.12, Sierra: 10.11, El Capitan: 10.10, Yosemite: 10.9, Mavericks: Beta builds available at 10.8, Mountain Lion: 10.7, Lion: 10.6, Snow Leopard: 10.5, Leopard: Beta builds available at 10.4, Tiger: No…
A Bit About Python Module Imports
The first lines of practically every python script ever begin with the word import. Per the python docs at a module is “a file containing Python definitions and statements.” To open a python environment, simply open Terminal and type Python python To import a module just type import followed by the name of the module. A common one is os, so let’s import that: import os Now let’s use str to see where it is: str(os) You’ll then see what the script was that is actually the os module and where it can be found/edited/viewed. Now let’s do a couple of basic tasks with os. First, let’s grab the…
Disable Videos From Playing Automatically in Safari
You click on a website and you hear some crazy video blasting. No. Just no. -bool false You’re welcome.
Looping cURLy Braces
No, this article is not about my daughter’s curly hair and that expander thingie she had in her mouth for awhile (that sucked for her, booo). Instead we’re talking about expanding braces in shell scripts so we can expand braces in the script. What’s a brace? As with grammar, a brace is a type of bracket meant to denote a series of characters. The bash interpreter will then allow for the expansion to include a series, such as 1..100 or 1 to 100 or a..z or a through z, useful in loops where the variable name (num in the below example) when invoked in the loop as $num will expand…
Updated My Apple Admin Conferences Page
I’ve been keeping a list of Apple Admin conferences for a few years now. I probably should have versioned it and kept each iteration, but… no need to pollute the interwebs with more outdated stuffs than I already have. So here’s the link for the latest version, updated with all the event dates announced thus far: Hope to see you at some!