• Mac OS X

    Keyboard Shortcuts: Windows

    I originally posted this at http://www.318.com/TechJournal 10 Essential Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Windows Users to Get More from their PCs Keyboards: We all use them. Those of us that work for Three18 happen to use ours for anywhere between 6 and 18 hours a day, hopefully not more. With that kind of time, we’ve learned to be especially crafty in our pursuit to be as efficient as possible. We don’t know all the keyboard shortcuts, but we do know a bunch. Here are a few shortcuts that will have you keyboard jockeying like a pro in no time. 10 & 9: Ctrl-Tab and Alt-Tab. These 2 gems will cycle you…

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Mass Deployment

    Positional Parameters and Packaging

    When packaging it is worth note that Apple reserves some positional paremeters for your scripts. These are defined at http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/SoftwareDistribution/Install_Operations/Install_Operations.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/10000145i-CH14-SW1 They include: $1: Path to the package $2: Path to the destination. $3: Installation volume. $4: Root directory

  • Mac OS X

    Click on App, Hide Others

    When you open an application you can have all the other applications minimize. To do so you’ll add the single-app key into com.apple.default.plist by using the following command: defaults write com.apple.dock single-app -bool TRUE Then you’ll need to restart the Dock: killall Dock

  • Mac OS X,  Mac Security,  Ubuntu,  Unix

    openssl and Signatures

    A checksum can be used to determine if a file has been tampered with at a later date.  To run a checksum use the following command: openssl dgst -HASHTYPE path_to_file HASHTYPE would then be md2, md4, md5, mdc2, rmd160, sha or sha1.  Let’s go ahead and do a checksum of our smb.conf file: openssl dgst -md5 /var/db/smb.conf You should then see output similar to the following: MD5(/var/db/smb.conf)= e4b58a63c6682b298aeca3ad40734c1e MD5(/var/db/smb.conf)= e4b58a63c6682b298aeca3ad40734c1e

  • Mac OS X,  Xsan

    Resetting an Xserve RAID Controller

    To reset RAID Controllers on an Xserve RAID: Reset the NVRAM to return the XRAID to factory default settings by holding down the reset button on the back of the controller for 5 seconds and then releasing the button. If you need to reset both controllers, you should reset the lower controller first and then reset the upper controller. The Xserve RAID will now have the name Xserve-RAID and an automatic IP address. The location and contact information are also reset. The settings for drives, drive cache, prefetch and other array based information will not be reset. If you only want to reset the password of an Xserve RAID you…

  • Mac OS X


    The vm_stat command in Mac OS X will show you the free, active, inactive, wired down, copy-on-write, zero filled, and reactivated pages for virtual memory utilization. You will also see the pageins as well as pageouts. If you wish to write these statistics routinely then you can use the vm_stat command followed by an integer. For example, to see the virtual memory statistics every 5 seconds: vm_stat 5

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Unix

    Backing Up and Restoring Subversion

    To make a Subversion backup (replacing /repositorypath with your actual repository path and /repositoryname.dump with the path and name of the file you would like to export your repository into): svnadmin dump /repositorypath > /repositoryname.dump To then restore the Subversion backup (replacing /repositorypath with your actual repository path and /repositoryname.dump with the path and name of the file you would like to export your repository into): svnadmin load /repositorypath < /repositoryname.dump

  • Mac OS X,  Mac OS X Server,  Unix

    Viewing Folder Sizes from the Command Line in Mac OS X

    Here’s a lovely command for figuring out how much disk space each folder on a drive consumes. It is an excellent command to run if the currently logged in user does not have sufficient read permissions to view the used space on the directory in the Finder. By default it runs on the current directory. So navigate to the hard drive’s root folder and run this command: sudo du -xhd 1 In this case, the “x” instructs the system not to traverse file system mount points (so /Volumes is skipped), the “h” expresses results in human readable format (G for gigabytes, M for megabytes, K for kilobytes, B for bytes,…