Programmatically Grab Active DNS Servers On macOS
One of my favorite things about grabbing things with scripts is just how many ways (and sometimes how needfully or needlessly convoluted you can make them) to grab the same pieces of information. For example, something as simple as what hosts you use to resolve names on a Mac. There are a number of ways to grab what DNS server a device is using in macOS. So when you’re running a script you might choose to grab DNS information one way or another, according to what you’re after. Some of this might seem more complicated than it should be. And that’s correct… resolv.conf The /etc/resolv.conf file is updated automatically to…
Basic Bash Functions
According to @johnkitzmiller, you can’t spell function without fun. So let’s have some fun! What’s a function? Think of it as a script inside a script. Define functions at the beginning of the script instead of making repeated calls to the same task within a script. The other nice thing about functions is that the act of compartmentalization makes them simple to insert into a number of different scripts. For example, if you do a lot of curl commands to pull down something in a lot of different scripts, having the grabbing of the data as a function, then the parsing of it into an array as a function and…
Export All Profile Manager Data Into CSV
If you fire up a connection to Postgres on a Profile Manager server, you can see a list of all the databases and tables on the server, respectively: sudo -u _devicemgr psql -h /Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/var/PostgreSQL devicemgr_v2m0 devicemgr_v2m0=# \list devicemgr_v2m0=# \dt The list of tables is as follows: Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges ----------------+------------+----------+---------+-------+--------------------------- devicemgr_v2m0 | _devicemgr | UTF8 | C | C | postgres | _devicemgr | UTF8 | C | C | template0 | _devicemgr | UTF8 | C | C | =c/_devicemgr + | | | | | _devicemgr=CTc/_devicemgr template1 | _devicemgr | UTF8 | C | C | =c/_devicemgr + |…
Backup Filewave Databases
You can quickly and easily back up your Filewave databases using the fwcontrol command to stop a Filewave server (thus preserving the integrity of the data you are backing up) and then backing up the database using the /fwxserver directory. To get started, we’ll first down the server. This is done using the fwcontrol command along with the server option and the stop verb, as follows: sudo fwcontrol server stop Now that there won’t be data trying to commit into the database, let’s make a backup of the database directory using the cp command: cp -rp /fwxserver/DB ~/Desktop/Databasebak To start the database, use the decontrol command with the server option…
APNs Logs on macOS
I originally wrote this back in 2015 as an article for troubleshooting APNs traffic on a Profile Manager server. But it turns out that troubleshooting push notification communications between macOS Server and Apple’s Push Notification is basically the same as troubleshooting the apsd client on macOS. Basically, we’re gonna’ put the APNs daemon, apsd, into debug mode. To enable APNS debug logging, run these commands: defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.apsd APSLogLevel -int 7 defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.apsd APSWriteLogs -bool TRUE killall apsd Then use tail -f to watch the apsd.log file at /Library/Logs/apsd.log. Be wary, as this can fill up your system. So to disable, use these commands: defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.apsd APSWriteLogs -bool FALSE defaults delete…
My Slides On MDM From MacAD.UK
As promised, here’s the slide deck from my talk at MacAD.UK in London. Enjoy! MacADUK_MDM_2017
Decrease Time Delays When Scripting Safari
When you’re regression testing, you frequently just don’t want any delays for scripts unless you intentionally sleep your scripts. By default Safari has an internal delay that I’d totally forgotten about. So if your GUI scripts (yes, I know, yuck) are taking too long to run, check this out and see if it helps: defaults write com.apple.Safari WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay 0 With a script I was recently working on, this made the thing take about an hour less. Might help for your stuffs, might not. If not, to undo: defaults delete com.apple.Safari WebKitInitialTimedLayoutDelay Enjoy.
Who Signed My OS X App?
The codesign command is used to sign apps and check the signature of apps. Apps need to be signed more and more and more these days. So, you might need to loop through your apps and verify that they’re signed. You might also choose to stop trusting given signing authorities if one is compromised. To check signing authorities, you can use codesign -dv --verbose=4 /Applications/Firefox.app/ 2>&1 | sed -n '/Authority/p' The options in the above command: -d is used to display information about the app (as opposed to a -s which would actually sign the app) -v increases the verbosity level (without the v’s we won’t see the signing “Authority”) –verbose=4 indicates the level of verbosity…
Debug Logging Profile Manager on macOS Servers
OS X Server stores most logs in files that are in the /Library/Logs/ProfileManager directory. Logs are split up between php, devicemgrd.log, scep_helper.log, servermgr_devicemgr.log, profilemanager.log and others. In my experience, if there’s a lot of errors at first, or if the service doesn’t work, just reformat and start over. But, once a server is in production, you don’t want to re-enroll devices after you do that. So, as with all good error prodding, start with the logs to troubleshoot. By default the logs can appear a bit anemic. You can enable more information by increasing the logging level. Here, we’ll shoot it up to 6, which can be done with the…